Thursday, February 3, 2011

Skinny Bitch

I decided to use this blog as my book log. Lucky you, internet! In order to gain your trust, I've decided to make a confession: I read Skinny Bitch.
As you might know, I don't believe in the concept of "Guilty Pleasures." If you like something, own it! "You like what you like.-" Papa Winfrey. But I actually do feel a little guilty about how much I like diet and nutrition books. They definitely don't add anything to my life, and I don't even believe in diets! At all! I think we should all eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, but every once in awhile maybe have 2 donuts in one day (that might have happened today)! I read Skinny Bitch on my Kindle because I was ashamed. Here is a summary of what I read:

"Hey, stupid fatty. Why are you eating so much shit? If you eat shit, you are shit, and you are DEFINITELY shit. Stop drinking alcohol and coffee, no smoking, no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no refined flour or sugar. You should just eat fruit for breakfast and salad for lunch, but also here is a list of processed, name-brand organic vegan foods you can eat. Also, you're stupid, ugly and fat. And you have cellulite. And a big ass."

That's the book. Also the entire middle section is about the cruelty of the meat and dairy industry, which is like duh, but also is like, I thought this was a diet book. Then the last chapter is like, "We were just kidding! We really love you and don't care if you're skinny, we just want you to be happy! And also be vegan." Um, too late, dummies. You spent the entire book insulting women and trying to shame them into becoming vegan. Also, there is a chapter on FASTING. Fucking FASTING. The authors write how you'll feel so "clean" and "light" and "pure" and WHAT? You ladies are enabling anorexics!

You should read this book if you want to feel bad about yourself. Even I started to feel terrible about myself, and while I have a lot of insecurities, my body isn't usually one of them.

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